︎︎︎ I’m a graphic designer who’s worked in the design industry for over six years. Most of my experience has been commercially orientated with a clear focus on innovation and concept development.

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Glasgow Alliance to End Homelessness
︎︎︎ Design Week

Women Designers
︎︎︎ Design Week

Hidden Women of Design
︎︎︎ HWOD


Student Project: D&AD New Blood Awards 2017 / Fabric of the Nation

My Roles:
Concept Creation, Visual Design, Artworking

Fabric of the Nation’ was one of my final year university projects that answered a D&AD New Blood brief. I proposed a campaign that uses the type systems of clothing fibre labelling to challenge the beliefs surrounding British identity.

The rise of mass migration and globalisation has been accompanied by a questioning of what, if anything, it means to be British. Too often these discussions lead to the division of our citizens into those who are ‘more’ British and those who are ‘less’ British. ‘Fabric of the Nation’ focuses on the DNA profiles of well-known British citizens and celebrities; and aims to reinforce the fact that we are all different AND all British.

Fabric of the Nation’ ended up winning a White Pencil and a Graphite pencil at the New Blood 2017 Awards.

Poster showing famous British icons

Close up of screenprinted label.
